We use this "blog" to stay in touch with our friends and supporters while we serve the Lord and wait on Him here at The Kilns, the home of C. S. Lewis.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A mild winter

Everyone says that we are having a very mild winter - which is OK with us!  The temps are staying in the 40-50 degree range for the most part, with some dips down into the 30's.  But boy does the wind blow!  Islands can be so much more windy than places like Tennessee, that are so far inland.  We used to have daily sea breezes on Cayman.  Here, you regularly get these gales that come blowing through - the farther north you are, the worse it is.  But it's fun.  I like weather with "character."

This past Saturday, we had a group of 30 South Koreans to come and see the house.  They could hardly speak English!  I and our friend, Myriam, who was helping with the tours, had to talk through interpreters.  Now, that's all right.  You have to make quick, simple summaries of things on the fly, using simple speech and leaving out details.  But our problem was that our "interpreters" themselves hardly knew English!  You'd say something, and they'd just keep looking at you, as if to say, "OK, but say something else so maybe I'll understand at least a little bit of it."  But a good time was had by all!  And, of course, these people love to take pictures.  They had Myriam and me sit in the wing-back chairs in the library and then, in groups of 6 or 8, they'd gather around us and have their picture taken with us.  So funny.  I'm hoping they will e-mail some of the pictures to us.  If they do, I'll post them.

Sheila's having some thyroid problems apparently.  She went to the doctor on Monday for some tests.  We await the results.  I've come down with a bad cold, but hopefully I'll be better tomorrow.

It seems the Lord may be raising up a young lady for us to train for tours and to act as a temporary warden.  If there's no one to replace us when we leave in July, she will be able to step in.  That's a good thing.

Once we get ourselves feeling better, we get back to some more local hospitality. 

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