We use this "blog" to stay in touch with our friends and supporters while we serve the Lord and wait on Him here at The Kilns, the home of C. S. Lewis.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Our first few days

Thanks to your many prayers, our trip over to Oxford went quite smoothly.  We were hardly here for an hour when we met some of our neighbours, who promptly invited us for tea and took us to the grocery store.  You can imagine that this was a huge blessing, because we were pretty tired. 

We are still somewhat jet-lagged.  You wake up at 3:00 in the morning and realize that your body is saying, "Well, it's about 10:00 p.m., but since you have been sleeping for 4 hours or so, you are not going to go to sleep any time soon!"  And so you don't.  :-)

We have had 3 scholars living with us, but right now we are down to two: a professor from Calvin College, and a gentleman working on his Ph.D. from Connecticut. Yesterday, one of them invited Sheridan Voysey over for tea, and we had a great discussion.  Since he has dealt so much with cultural issues, I asked him what he might do if he was trying to reach students at UTC, and he had some good advice, which I much appreciated.

Sheila has started cooking - which is really important!  There is an apple tree in the back yard and she has picked some apples and made apple sauce for our scholars.  She is so sweet.  She has also made her first pot of soup, which we have shared with the neighbours. 

We had a tour of the house yesterday and we will have a tour tomorrow.  I just had a mother call to ask if we had any material to help her 8-year-old daughter with a school paper on the life of Lewis.  Sadly we do not, but I could give her a book title they could use.  You just never know who you are going to be able to talk to or help here.  Do pray for those "divine appointments" that the Lord has for us, that we will have the wisdom and grace we need to minister to people.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for creating this blog! I look forward to following your experiences. Thank you for dropping off the book, taking time from your busyness in moving to do that. May God richly bless you brother!
